属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在刚果行医的女医生Lyn Lusi
1 | 在露丝的身边,证据俯拾皆是。刚果富裕过,但是强壮的当地人用她的矿藏交换武器,各大公司也不遗余力地刮着地皮,老百姓只落得个穷困潦倒。 | The proof lay all about her. Congo was a rich country, but its minerals were swapped by local strongmen for weapons, or stripped away by corporations who left the people in poverty. | |
2 | 8月28日,在伦敦她向卡尔展示了她的计划。 | On Aug. 28 she met with Carr in London to lay out her plan. | |
3 | Abbot还附带了一个脚本记录器,使用它就能够以XML格式布设测试场景,可以通过编程的方式运行它。 | Abbot also comes with a script recorder, which you can use to lay out a test scenario in XML format and run it programmatically. | |
4 | Harold明确列举了一些基本原则,只要认真地考虑考虑,任何读者都会成为XML的更好的用户。 | Harold does lay out clear principles which, if at least carefully considered, will make any reader a better user of XML. | |
5 | LaBonte稍后将他的忧虑记录在十招两份内部备忘录中。 | LaBonte would later lay out his concerns in at least two internal memos. | |
6 | MicrosoftProject通常用于对任务依赖项进行布局、加载平衡资源并估计结束日期。 | Microsoft Project is typically used to lay out task dependencies, load balance resources, and estimate end dates. | |
7 | VBox是一个容器,它将以从上到下的垂直方式铺设内容。 | The VBox is a container, and it will lay out its contents in a vertical fashion from top to bottom. | |
8 | Word通常会在表格中添加边框,虽然您需要使用表格来安排列表的布局,但您可能不需要这些边框。 | Although you are using the table to lay out the list, you probably don’t want the border lines that Word usually includes with the table. | |
9 | 本文中的范例以一种更加结构化的格式来处理代码,以将通用的代码与动态生成的代码隔离开来。 | The examples in this article lay out the code in a more structured format, to separate the custom code from the dynamically generated code. | |
10 | 本雅明将其错综复杂的日常生活投影在我们面前,你甚至可以从中体验到我们当代的数码文化带给你的愉悦。 | Let Walter Benjamin lay out the complexities of his day and even enliven your experience of our own digital culture. | |
11 | 比赛规则制定了特定的管理办法,每位驾驶者都必须遵守。 | The rules of the race lay out certain regulations which each musher must abide by. | |
12 | 病房布局设计是关键,减少长长的走廊,因为护士常常花费她们40%的时间来走路而不是照顾病人。 | Ward lay-out is key: eliminating long corridors because nurses can spend up to 40% of their time walking instead of caring for patients. | |
13 | 不要把你的衣服铺在床上。收好它们! | Don’t lay out your clothes on the bed. Put them away! | |
14 | 布置采区专用回风巷提高通风系统安全度 | Lay out the return airway to improve the safe degree of the ventilation system | |
15 | 操作面板为平面布局,设置故障指示并显示维护提示,操作面板设置保护盖保护 | Operator panel with graphic lay-out, display with maintenance and failure indication Given in clear text and protection cover. | |
16 | 长输管道机械化流水作业的新型布局方式 | A New Mechanical Flow Operation Lay-out Mold for Pipeline Installing | |
17 | 打开要排列的组织结构图所在的页面。 | Open the page with the organization chart that you want to lay out . | |
18 | 大研镇最著名的是中国的古老和简单的建筑风格和高雅艺术的布局。 | The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town. | |
19 | 但是揭秘所披露的这些文件却用词大胆而清晰,为我们勾勒出了中国对朝鲜日益增加的挫败感。 | But these leaks - using bold and clear language - lay out what appears to be China’s growing frustration with North Korea. | |
20 | 但直到1698年,西班牙在彭萨拉派部队驻防。军队开始在这里建造殖民地。 | It wasn’t until 1698 that Spain established another garrison in Pensacola, where soldiers began to lay out a colonial town. | |
21 | 第二步:阐明对未来三年美国经济的宏观预测。 | Step two: lay out a three-year macro forecast of the US economy. | |
22 | 而发达国家则开始筹划为技术转移和适应气候变化提供资金的计划。 | Developed countries have begun to lay out a plan for funding technology transfer and adaptation efforts. | |
23 | 而美国,则需要拿出一条令人信服的方案来落实大规模经济刺激计划。 | And America must lay out a credible route to the eventual unwinding of its massive stimulus. | |
24 | 法国方面表示,将于下周召开国际会议,为这个石油国家的未来拟定一份路线图。 | France said it would host an international meeting next week that would lay out a road map for the oil-rich country’s future. | |
25 | 该模板包含用于设置窗体布局的格式、控件和绑定表达式。 | The template contains the formatting, controls, and binding expressions used to lay out the form. | |
26 | 规范课程和教材名称,合理编排内容,避免不同课程内容重复; | standardize names of course and textbook, lay out course and textbook contents reasonably, avoid content repeat between courses; | |
27 | 过去我常在睡觉前就把自己和孩子们第二天要穿的衣服摆放好。 | I used to lay out the clothes for the children (and myself) before I went to bed. | |
28 | 哈大产业带农业商品基地布局与农业产业化发展 | Lay out of Agricultural Commodity Bases and Agricultural Industrialization in the Industrial Zone along Harbin-Dalian Railway | |
29 | 集散系统电缆敷设的EMC探讨 | EMC Consideration For Lay-out of Collecting And Distributing Cables | |
30 | 结论表格编排规范化问题应引起广大作者和编审人员的重视。 | Conclusion Both authors and copy editors should think highly of the standardization of table lay out in medical journals. |